Adults, aren’t the only ones at play in The Roulant’s gardens. This season, our urban gardens were the playground and classroom for 12 summer camps and elementary schools. Our tours put youth in contact with their natural environment, and reconnected them to the source of their food.
In total, 182 young people learned how to reduce their environmental impact and create positive community change while also feeding themselves better with fresh, healthy and local products. These young gardeners were introduced to urban agriculture, visited our meal-on-wheels kitchen and got to meet our friends and colleagues, the composting worms, and of course, the honeybees!
Via our Entre grange et gratte-ciel project, an additional 8 groups of young people also visited our peri-urban farm in Senneville
There can be no doubt that it was an amazing summer in the Roulant’s gardens and we truly want to thank the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, the Telus Community Boards, and the Fonds régional d’investissement jeunesse, for making these tours possible. This year isn’t even over and we’re already looking forward to next year!
If you’re like us and you can’t get enough of our Farm, check out this recent CTV piece.