Calling all beekeeping enthusiasts!
Santropol Roulant’s Beekeeping Collective is seeking new members! We are looking for volunteers with a broad range of experience in order to create a good mix of people to keep our hives healthy and happy.
The collective’s mission is to help spread sustainable, democratic, and local beekeeping practices.We are a group of beekeepers who come together to foster and uphold a sustainable and healthy culture of beekeeping within Montreal. Our hives are located on the rooftop of Santropol Roulant (111 Roy St) and McGill’s Frank Dawson Adams Building.
Please see the document below to find out more and click here to apply.
Thanks for your interest in the beekeeping collective! Please feel free to forward!
Sophie, Simon, Geneviève, Jonathan, Alex, Duncan, Stephanie and Noémie for Santropol Roulant’s beekeeping collective