Thank you Magali!

Agriculture, Staff

Dear Roulant Community,

With a heart so full (it feels a bit heavy), I’m sharing with you that I’ll be leaving the team. At the end of the month, I’m off to Spain to complete a Master’s in Artistic Mediation for Social Transformation! This marks the end of 5.5 years invested in the wonderful world of the Roulant. With countless encounters, significant challenges, the growth of the urban agriculture program since 2020, golden colleagues and mentors, transformative partnerships, periods of questioning, periods of blossoming, ‘blood, sweat, tears, AND LAUGHTER’, I can only be infinitely grateful.

I wish the Roulant many incredible adventures, and I can’t wait to see where the new leadership will take the urban agriculture program.

¡Nos vemos! On August 30th, my last day and last Kiosque alimentaire/Friday Hang, I invite you to stop by, we’ll dance!

Magali 💜