Safer Space

image titre safer space espaces plus sûrs

Welcome to the Safer Space page! Here you’ll find all things related to anti-harassment at the Roulant, including our Safer Space Policy. 

What is Safer Space?

Community engagement and valuing people as gifts are principles at the heart of Santropol Roulant. These key values depend on cultivating a sense of belonging in our space, as well as honouring and respecting each member in their difference and nuance. Honouring each individual means protecting their integrity and ensuring that their dignity is respected and preserved at all times. Santropol Roulant places responsibility on all of its members to preserve a safer space, and seeks to create an environment of continual reflection on the ways that one’s behaviour can impact others. As a result, Santropol Roulant’s safer space policy attempts to educate, foster safe space and create an environment free from harassment. 

We will continue to post new information, so keep an eye on this page and the newsletter for updates! 

Questions? Concerns? 

Contact the Safer Spaces Committee at 

Carolina Quintero – HR Director

Charles-Auguste Beauvais – Meals-on-Wheels Outreach Worker

Adrienne Richards – Educational Farm manager

John (JJ) Fridman – Kitchen coordinator