Want to trade a few jars of your preserves or kraut for someone else’s? Here’s your chance! The Roulant is hosting its first ever canning/fermenting swap as a part of our upcoming preserve and catering menu tasting 5 à 7 next Thursday, November 10th. Yes, you’ll also have the opportunity to taste many of the Roulant’s homemade delights too!
When: Thursday, November 10th at 6:00pm (sharp!)
Where: Santropol Roulant, 111 rue Roy Est, second floor
Cost: Free!
What’s a swapper to do?
Bring a few jars (4-8) of a canned or fermented item you made this season! Please label them with the ingredients and approximate production date and bring a copy of the recipe you used. Also, definitely make sure your canned food was made safely. This means you used a canning recipe from a trusted source. Have doubts? Check this fabulous post by our favourite canning guru Marissa!
Each person will have an opportunity to describe their canned or fermented item before the swap begins, show and tell style! So this is a great opportunity to swap recipes, not just food.
We hope to see many food preservation enthusiasts out. Don’t hesitate to email Isabelle, our food preservation coordinator, if you have any questions about the event.
*Note: The flight of stairs to the second floor may be problematic for individuals with mobility issues. Please contact us to find out if we can enable your participation.
*Photo by Susan Moss