Did you know it is possible to continue to enjoy local, organic produce all year long? Bio Locaux offers you the possibility to pick up an organic basket, during the winter, at Santropol Roulant. On Thursdays from 5 to 7 pm, from mid-November to May 2019.
Bio Locaux is a group of organic farms that are members of the CAPÉ cooperative and Équiterre’s network of Fermier de Famille who are pooling their efforts to offer you the best of summer and winter organic vegetables, in the Greater Montreal area.
To sign-up as a member, visit BioLocaux’s website now!
BioLocaux is offering two winter basket sizes, delivered every 2 weeks (12 deliveries in total) :
Small basket (2-3 people): $26 per basket ($330 for the season)
Big basket (3-4 people): $41 per basket ($510 for the season)
You can also order eggs, bread, meat, oils, maple syrup and, flour as add-ons to your basket!