The Roulant was fortunate to welcome a number of corporate groups throughout the autumn and winter of 2018 for some team-building volunteer activities. We’d like to take a moment to thank them for all the time and energy they gave to the Roulant community to cap off 2018!
In September, RGA Canada brought in a group of 8 volunteers to deliver warm meals to our clients in the last warm days of summer. In November, Kilotech brought 6 volunteers who helped in the kitchen preparing meals for clients as Montreal’s first freeze hit the city. In December, a group of 7 real estate agents
All four groups offered not only their time but also their financial support by making donations to the Roulant, making a valuable investment in their employees and their community. We offer a huge thank you to all for their time and generosity!
If you are interested in unique team-building opportunities for your employees in 2019, visit the volunteer information page on our website and contact Melanie by email or by phone at 514-284-9335.