Help Grow Your Community

Agriculture, Job Postings

Urban Agriculture Coordination Our Culture Get ready to immerse yourself in a mindset of gratitude and care, and to embrace uncertainty, nuance and imperfection. We’re a small organization with tons of activity, creativity and big ideas, and we’re focused on connecting people, authentic relating and living our values as best we can.  The Roulant treats people as gifts and takes …

Meet the Candidates for the 2018 AGM


On March 29th, all members of the Roulant – volunteers, clients, donors and staff active within the last year – are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and cast your ballots. The assembly will elect new members to the Board of Directors of Santropol Roulant, for a 2-year mandate. Electing Board members is a significant event for the …


Food Preservation – Keeping it Fresh!

Food Preservation, Kitchen, Kitchen Workshops, Volunteering - Personal

Spring food preservation news: Reflections of the past year, improvements for the year to come, & your feedback requested! Though we’re still months away from the first harvests, we’re working hard at improving our two-year-old food preservation program. In January, Isabelle and Karine hosted a food preservation season debrief.  It was a great opportunity to identify what people love, and to use the brainpower …