Pick leaders wanted

Fruits Défendus

Les Fruits Défendus, Santropol Roulant’s volunteer-led urban fruit harvesting collective, is looking for motivated and autonomous individuals to lead urban fruit harvests throughout the summer! 

  • New Pick Leader Training dates: Friday May 31, Saturday June 1, Thursday June 6 and Saturday June 8 in Côte-des-Neiges, La Petite-Patrie, NDG and Pointe-Saint-Charles. 
  • Experienced pick leader refresher sessions: May 23 and 25 at Santropol Roulant

Les Fruits Défendus connects local fruit tree owners across Montreal with volunteer harvesters and in doing so helps to reduce food waste, improve actions to reinforce local food solidarity, promote and care for the fruit trees in our urban forest, improve citizens’ connections with our local urban ecology, augment food literacy, and participate in the creation of a more just and sustainable food system and society. 

What is a pick leader? Pick leaders are in charge of planning and leading harvests. After a mandatory training session in May or June, pick leaders adopt a fruit tree, track the ripeness of its fruit, and arrange a harvest with the tree owner and volunteer pickers. You may adopt and harvest as many fruit trees throughout the season as you’d like! No previous experience required.

As a pick leader, you’ll gain valuable leadership experience and form meaningful relationships within the collective and with your local communities of neighbours and trees. Of course, you’ll also learn a lot about fruit in addition to receiving a share of fruit from harvests.

All pick leaders must attend a mandatory training session to learn how to pick fruit and lead harvests confidently.

For any questions, feel free to check out our webpage (scroll down for FAQ) or write to us at info@lesfruitsdefendus.org !

– Simone and the collective