Job Posting: Director of Urban Agriculture

Agriculture, Job Postings

The application period for this position closed on September 10th. Thank you to all of those that applied!

Interested in shaping the future of Santropol Roulant? We are hiring someone to guide the continued development of our Urban Ag work. This is a unique opportunity. Please, check out the file below for more information and forward the job posting widely. Thanks!

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[Edit: We’ve noticed that the job description sometimes doesn’t load correctly. Just in case, you can download the PDF of the posting here.]

Comments 4

  1. Marcel Miro

    Hello Tim and the gang at Santropol

    I just read with sadness that Tim is leaving, no!!!

    Anyway, this position interests me greatly, having just finished my Sustainability program at Rosemont in January and having a long history of urban agriculture behind me.

    I will be in touch shortly.

    Meanwhile, Tim, all the best with your new plans.

    Marcel Miro

    1. Mark Rostrup

      Hey Marcel

      Thanks for the interest in Santropol’s Urban Agriculture Program. We are also going to miss Tim!

      Of course, don’t hesitate to contact us with questions, we are always available and have plenty of info on Santropol, the job, urban agriculture, n’importe quoi!

  2. Vladimir

    je trouve cette oportunite geniale ..
    je suis tres interese par votre projet d’agricuture urbaine et je trouve que cette pratique c’est la solution a plusierus problemes dans notre societe et notre planete…
    je crois a l’autonimie alimentaire, la bonne bouffe et l’auto determinations des peuples! ;)

    bonne chance


  3. Philippe Landry


    Ce poste (Directeur AU) m’intéresse vivement.
    Mais j’aurais besoin de Tim Murphy ou Ismael Hautecoeur comme mentor (!!!), car je n’ai pas la prétention d’avoir leur expérience.

    Si Ismael aime dire qu’il n’y a pas de jardins sans jardiniers (et il a raison), j’aimerais dire que le succès se trouve dans la communauté, dans sa capacité de penser et d’agir (et de jouir de la vie) ensemble.

    J’ai participé à l’École d’été en agriculture urbaine en août. Ce fût intéressant … et fort agréable.

    Merci de votre attention,

    Philippe Landry
    (sur facebook : plandry56)

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