Corporate Volunteers Abound!

Meals-on-Wheels, Volunteering - Corporate

The season of corporate volunteering continued in June as we welcomed AOL / Huffpost, AXA, LRMM and Morgan Stanley to the Roulant for a variety of activities. These companies have all been doing corporate volunteering with the Roulant for the past several years, and we were happy to have them back once again to lend a hand.

First came AOL / Huffpost on June 13th for a day of volunteering, with a team of 10 employees. 89 meals of Macaroni and Cheese were succesfully prepared, packaged and distributed to clients of our Meals-on-Wheels Program.

Next, throughout the week of June 18th, 15 employees from AXA Assistance came to help out with preparation, packaging and delivery of various meals across our delivery areas. Over 350 meals were distributed that week, and we could not have done it without their help.

LRMM came to help out over two fridays with the delivery of 168 meals of Mushroom Casserole and Beet & Apple Salad to our clients. On foot and by car, their gang of 18 employees enthusiastically and efficiently did the job!

Finally, Morgan Stanley sent us 20 employees over the course of four days to help prepare and package 257 meals, and deliver some of them to our McGill, Mile End, Centre Sud and Downtown neighborhoods, on foot and by bike. Their assistance in the kitchen and on deliveries, this year as last year, was immensely helpful.

Each of these companies paired their volunteering experiences with generous financial donations to support our programs and activities, for which they deserve A BIG THANK YOU!

If you or anyone you know might be interested in corporate volunteering, team building activities at the Roulant, click here to see the corporate volunteering section of our website.

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