On March 28th, all members of the Roulant – volunteers, clients, donors and staff active within the last year – are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and cast your ballots.
The assembly will elect new members to the Board of Directors of Santropol Roulant, for a 2-year mandate. Electing Board members is a significant event for the Roulant! There are five positions to fill on the Board this election. We hope that this article will help you better understand the roles and responsibilities of our Board and provide you with helpful information as you vote.
In this article, you’ll get to know:
- 2 board members who have completed their term and who wish to run for re-election.
- 5 new candidates who wish to run for election.
To learn more about what a Board does, the key features of a strong Roulant Board, each of the candidates listed below, and the Board members who are not up for re-election, download the complete Candidate Booklet (PDF):
For re-election

Laura Howard
Entrepreneur/Consultant: Local food systems and economies
Describe the experience or skill set you bring to the Board.
My work with Récolte is mainly focused on systemic change, on supporting innovation in the local food system. In the day to day of our organization, we adapt the tools and resources available in the world of social innovation and social entrepreneurship to the realities and needs of local food systems entrepreneurs, leaders, collaborators. We also work to develop our own tools and resources that help innovators understand their role, the resources available to them, the factors that support or hinder the development of the project and / or businesses, and the sustainability of the project over the long term. As such, I bring a good understanding of the barriers faced by organizations from a diversity of areas within the sector. I also have a good understanding of the ecosystem that surrounds these innovative actors, including factors that influence decision-makers, business opportunities, financing, market development and politics, policies. I am also a participant in several of the networks that support actors in the field (CSAM, AULab, Cultiver MTL), keeping me in the know on current conversations and efforts in this space.
Describe why you are interested in a role on the Board of Directors.
After spending the last two years on the board, not only did I feel empowered to contribute to the organization, but I continued to learn from the organization and its community. The members of the board of directors gave me the chance to be myself, to challenge my ideas, to learn and understand the nuances in the opportunities and challenges facing Santropol Roulant. I also believe I have the ability to ask for difficult questions, to remind new board members of previous goals that may not have been achieved yet, and the capacity to explore why in a collaborative manner. I have been part of this community for over 10 years and sense that I bring a level of organizational memory that is key to the success of the organization. I think I can continue to contribute to the collective reflection, contribute my knowledge and memories of different parts of the history of the Roulant, while also helping to push the organization forward in new directions and reflections in order to meet established goals and benchmarks. I am also very interested in the strategic planning process and I feel that not only my enthusiasm, but also my experience will contribute to this important upcoming process.

Jon Kalina
Writer/Director/Consultant for documentary films
Describe the experience or skill set you bring to the Board.
I have a deep and long-standing experience and affection towards the Roulant dating back at least 20 years. I have delivered meals, helped train the staff for media interviews and made videos for the Roulant. I have also served as a Board member for the last two years during which I was closely aligned with the project to build an elevator.
Describe why you are interested in a role on the Board of Directors.
It’s been a challenging but very rewarding two years on the Board and I believe I continue to have something to offer to an organization that I believe very strong in.
New Candidates

Athanasios Mihou
Urban agriculture coordinator, teacher at CEGEP Victoriaville
Describe the experience or skill set you bring to the Board.
I’ve been working in urban agriculture for more than 9 years and am currently coordinating the urban agriculture project for the non-profit Ya Quelqu’un l’aut’bord. I am also a part-time teacher for the Cegep of Victoriaville in a new program seeking to form new project managers in social urban agriculture. I am currently teaching 3 different classes within this program. I have also worked and volunteered on a wide variety of projects in food production, transformation and distribution, which gives me a very good understanding of the needs of the community. The project I am currently working on is also a great example of a social-entrepreneurial project that seeks to help with the local food security, all the while assuring to stay afloat by developing a distribution and sale to private partners.
Describe why you are interested in a role on the Board of Directors.
I’ve been following the evolution of the Roulant since its first venture into urban agriculture at the McGill campus, it’s an organization that truly inspires me with its mission and approach. I hope to get involved in the Board in order to learn more about the organization’s current challenges and contribute its further development with my knowledge. I hope to share my skills and knowledge with the members of the Board, the team and members in order for the Roulant to surpass challenges and reach its desired goals. I would also love to have the opportunity to use my vast network in urban agriculture to further evolve certain projects.

Géraldine Rogier
Executive Assistant – Centre de santé des femmes de Montréal
Describe the experience or skill set you bring to the Board.
Thanks to my current job, I have good skills in philanthropy and a good knowledge of policies and systems in health services. As a community worker, I also have good experience in the governance of a non-profit organization. Finally, a few years ago, I had the chance to take a course on social entrepreneurship. I visited many inspiring social enterprises in Europe, Asia and Africa. I would be more than happy to share my knowledges and my skills with Santropol Roulant’s Board of Directors.
Describe why you are interested in a role on the Board of Directors.
I have considered volunteering for Le Roulant many times. But after several lively conversations with members of your organization, we came to the conclusion that the best way for me to contribute was actually to share my professional experience, especially around corporate funding and overall strategy. I have been following your activities for many years and I believe our values are quite aligned.

Lorenzo Daieff
Strategic planning and organizational learning consultant
Describe the experience or skill set you bring to the Board.
I hope to contribute first of all through my experience in program evaluation, which involves working with organizations of all sizes – such as UNICEF, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Canadian federal government, but also Montreal community groups – to help them measure the social impact of their actions, create partnerships, and refine their strategies. I plan to use this knowledge of philanthropy, funders, and project management to help the Roulant achieve its organizational and community goals. As for the Roulant, I have been involved for the past two years as a volunteer, having worked in the kitchen and in delivery, which I love, and which has given me the chance to meet many clients and other volunteers. Finally, I have previous experience on a Board of Directors, having just completed more than a year of involvement on the Board of McGill’s Post-Graduate Student Society.
Describe why you are interested in a role on the Board of Directors.
I would be particularly interested in a role on the Board of Directors as it speaks to some of the day-to-day work I do, as a consultant, with other organizations, and as it would allow me to build on my previous experience on a Board at McGill. I think I bring value and experience, as well as a spirit of teamwork, innovation, and balanced judgement. At the same time, I would be excited to grow further and consolidate my understanding of boards’ operations and responsibilities, specifically in the context of the Roulant, and along with the other board members. Seeing as I live just around the corner, I do hope to continue punctual involvement in deliveries as well, which I greatly enjoy (without underestimating the time and effort, rewarding as they are, which board membership requires).

Mikaelle Daneau
Coordinator, Brigades Culinaires for Tablée des Chefs
Describe the experience or skill set you bring to the Board.
I am very aware of the social and environmental impacts related to agriculture and our eating habits. Through various experiences including the summer school in urban agriculture, horticultural animator at Vertcité and my certificate in food and society, I’ve developed an understanding of the actors, issues and benefits of urban agriculture. My experience in zero waste and anti food waste and my willingness to contribute to the creation of sustainable alternative food systems will be well used. During my working experience in the Roulant’s kitchen in 2018, I observed and discovered the people that form Santropol Roulant community. I became aware of clients’ dietary needs, developed trust and contributed to the integration of many volunteers. I could understand from the inside several operational issues to develop a critical, fascinated and stimulated gaze towards Santropol Roulant.
Describe why you are interested in a role on the Board of Directors.
Social organizations are essential to a healthy society. I have worked for several years in different food organizations and I wish to deepen my learning about the conditions that contribute to the success and health of these. I want to develop my expertise on the various elements that constitute an organization’s governance such as; strategic plan, budgets, respect of values, mission and objectives, etc. Santropol Roulant is an important space of social fabric, innovation and food education that touches and fascinates me hugely, but it is also an important and influential actor who inspires, confronts and nourishes evolution. I believe that with my understanding of the inner workings of the activities, my food experience and knowledges, as well as my values, motivations and interests, I can contribute to a coherent and efficient governance.

Negar Haghighat
Executive Director of a Not-for-Profit
Describe the experience or skill set you bring to the Board.
I have presided over two boards and have been a board member since 2008; I know the community environment and am familiar with Santropol’s work; I know that my background will be useful to the organization.
Describe why you are interested in a role on the Board of Directors.
A seat on the board will allow me to bring forth my contributions with regards to governances and management of nonprofits.