Wish List (for Social Change) 2021


Thank you so much for your interest in contributing to the Roulant’s mission through your in-kind gifts of products, expertise or services. Although it is rare that the proposed items align perfectly with the needs of the Roulant, this type of contribution can be particularly valuable in offsetting the costs of the Roulant’s day-to-day activity or strategic growth.

If you would like to have the deepest impact, financial contributions allow us to identify the most pressing needs, when they arise, to accomplish the mission of increasing food security and social inclusion in our community. 

If you are interested in making an in-kind donation, our wish list outlines things, from an annual supply of mosquito repellent to dream worthy infrastructure upgrades that will make our work more efficient and allow for a more dynamic and inclusive community. If you have one or more of the items on this list and you’d like to donate it to the Roulant, please contact Melanie by email or call 514-284-9335. Thank you!

The majority of our needs fall under the following categories: 

  • Specific food and drink ingredients for the Meals-on-Wheels service or events,
  • Urban or peri-urban agriculture products, tools or equipment,
  • Auction and draw prizes for fundraising initiatives,
  • Building materials and labour,
  • Specialized kitchen or office equipment, maintenance, or repair,
  • Specialized services, consulting, training, or education.


Food & Drink ingredients for the Meals-on-Wheels service or events

  • Bulk ingredients or annual supplies: please contact us!
  • Annual supply of coffee for volunteers, staff and community events

Kitchen infrastructure & efficiency

  • Energy efficient infrastructure: commercial dishwasher, full height proofing cabinet
  • Maintenance services: plumbing, knife sharpening, painting and non-slip epoxy floor coating
  • Specialized equipment: commercial immersion blender, Robocoupe Giraffe, commercial table can opener

Agriculture infrastructure, efficiency & biodiversity

  • Agro-educational centre: architecture, consulting, engineering, materials, landscaping
  • Biodiversity and irrigation: pond, irrigation pump, fruit bushes and trees
  • Heavy-duty equipment: tractor, rotative harrow
  • Washing station efficiency: conveyor belt
  • Urban agriculture programming: long-term funding for Jardin de la cité operations and community education
  • Annual supply of sunscreen or mosquito repellent
  • 30 heavy duty rain jackets for outdoor work

General infrastructure, renovations & accessibility

  • Addition of accessible bathroom on second floor: design, construction, materials
  • Visual and auditory accessibility enhancements
  • Building improvements: terrace emergency exit, covered storage and bicycle parking, front entry awning, construction of window between kitchen and community space
  • “Operation Cozy” volunteer lounge accessibility and comfort: furniture, renovations, materials, painting, lighting

Community Transportation

  • Community transportation to the farm: new bus or bus rentals
  • Volunteer transportation: new car, gas cards, STM bus and or EXO zone 3 train tickets
  • Volunteer accessibility: trolleys for alternative transport of delivery bags

Community Events

  • Auction and draw prizes for fundraising initiatives
  • Event equipment rentals: furniture, catering, sound and lighting

Communications & Technology

  • Design and printing services: annual publications, signage
  • Volunteer lounge technology: touch screen for on-site volunteer sign ups, integrated speaker system