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Récits du Roulant: a storytelling event

Events, Featured, Fundraising

Join us for the second annual Récits du Roulant: a storytelling event! Don’t miss this opportunity to be swept into stories from an exciting variety of close friends of the Roulant. You’ll have a taste of the community’s past, insights into what’s new in our work in food systems and social inclusion, and an appreciation for how all of this …

Three cheers to you!

Featured, Fundraising

We are ending 2023’s winter fundraising campaign and entering 2024 with our hearts full of gratitude for the power of community mobilisation. With a goal of $90,000, 281 individuals (and a few companies) came together this winter to collectively raise $86,863 towards Santropol Roulant’s programs. Of these, 48 were first-time donors to the Roulant and three people set up new monthly donations, …

Maximize your seasonal giving impact

Featured, Fundraising

Every year, we work together to change the lives of people in need for the better. Thanks to our collective efforts, the Roulant’s clients receive delicious and balanced meals delivered right to their doorsteps. In 2023, we prepared and distributed over 30,000 nutritious meals, and we have even more ambitious plans for 2024. With the recent launch of the Winter …

Winter Campaign: strength in solidarity

Featured, Fundraising

The Roulant has seen the stark evolution of its neighbourhood in the past few years. In response, we have joined efforts in the area to support people experiencing homelessness. The projects initiated are a natural extension of our work, and will only gain momentum in 2024. We want to continue sowing these seeds to meet the soaring need. Together, we …

Celebrating Storytelling

Events, Featured, Fundraising, Stories

In late September, 70 people gathered together for Santropol Roulant’s first ever storytelling event, Récits du Roulant. Our headlining storytellers included Chris Godsall, co-founder of the Roulant; Frankie Traichel, current farm co-coordinator; Ren Nilsson, author of The Southern Wall: The Art of Engagement at Santropol Roulant and professor in social innovation; and Jonathan Lebire, co-founder of Comm-Un. They shared heartwarming …

The Question That Got Me Thinking

Featured, Fundraising, Planned Giving

Someone recently asked me how I wanted to be remembered, and the first thing that came to mind is “as someone who cared.” As a friend of the Roulant, you have an important impact on the food security and social inclusion of those around you, and likely care deeply about the impact of your life on others. You are a …

Thank You for Going Above and Beyond!

Featured, Fundraising

In the final month of 2022, you, our wonderful community, swooped in with astounding support and made this Santropol Roulant’s most successful campaign yet, surpassing the goal of $90,000 and raising a whopping total of $95,619. This was collected from 284 caring donors. You are what makes food security and moments of connection possible for some of Montreal’s most vulnerable …

Maximize Your Seasonal Giving Impact


With the recent launch of our Winter Campaign, where we appeal to our community to help us reach our fundraising goal of $90,000, we thought we would share some simple tips and tricks that can help make your seasonal contributions (no matter how big or small!) go the extra mile.  1. Donate your $600 tax bonus from the Québec government …

Winter Campaign: Donate to Tip the Scales


From the Plateau to Senneville, the first dusting of snow is settling over once thriving gardens and fields. Snowflakes cover the young trees that we planted this summer as part of the biodiversity project, blanket the soil from which lettuce, squash, and beets were harvested just a few weeks ago, and drift alongside the courageous Meals-on- Wheels volunteers on their …

Is Leaving a Gift in Your Will For You?

Fundraising, Planned Giving

As a member of the Roulant, we know that you radiate care for your community. Whether you are a client, a volunteer, a board member, a donor, a staff member, or you are implicated in the Roulant in multiple ways, your care fuels our mission. In a recent blog post, we explore how you can continue to give to the …

How will you keep your love going?

Fundraising, Planned Giving

You, the Roulant community, are profoundly generous in many ways. The team at Santropol Roulant has so appreciated your creativity and flexibility in supporting your community, as well as the increased understanding of the need for sustainable, mission-based funding. One of the many ways that you can financially support the Roulant in a deeply impactful way is through leaving a …

Monthly Donations: Nourishing the Roulant Year Round


Our monthly donors play an important role in keeping Santropol Roulant’s community nourished and engaged year round. If you give occasionally but are looking for a way to deepen your impact on your community, monthly donations may be perfect for you! In financially supporting the Roulant every month, you are investing in the long-term wellbeing of the organisation, and by …