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A Freaky Farm Story

Agriculture, Senneville Farm, Stories

Out at the farm, the scenery is grey and the days are getting shorter. The fields and roads are muddy. The wind whistles and howls. Armies of mice ravage the fields, feeding on our forgotten crops and fattening up for the cold winter months ahead. The mood is dark and sombre. The end is near and a certain smell of …

See you at the [Pocket] Markets!

Events, Food, Senneville Farm

Your friendly neighbourhood pocket market is back! That’s right, certified organic fruits and veggies from our peri-urban farm and downtown gardens, baked goods, honey, fair trade coffee, preserves, and more starting Tuesday, July 2nd!! Tuesdays, 4-7pm @ Roy & Coloniale – in front of The Roulant! Thursdays, 4-7pm@ Milton & Ste-Famille Plus, buy Santropol Roulant Veggie Dollars and save on …