On September 1st, 2015, our meal price rose to $5.50. This increase of $1 is the first since 2010!
Also launching this September, we’re thrilled to be introducing a sliding scale for our Meals-on-Wheels program this fall! Modeled after our successful community supported agriculture (CSA) basket sliding scale, the Roulant is working to better reflect the diverse financial realities of our clients, and to increase access to our service for seniors and others living with a loss of autonomy.
Our three prices will be:
Reduced Price
Per mealRegular Price
Per mealSolidarity Price
Per mealWhy a price increase?
This price increase is the result of rising food costs, inflation, and increasing operational cost for the meals-on-wheels team. Note that we continue to serve organic meats and local farm fresh veggies – to the joy and appreciation of our clients and their families. Be ensured that your support continues to subsidize 50% of the majority of our clients meals.
Innovation and the Sliding Scale
As we prepared for a price increase of $1.00 per meal, we were preoccupied by concern for clients living on a fixed income. We know from our previous experience how stressful this can be for our clients, as they each have unique financial constraints. Our intention is to maintain the inclusive and accessible nature of the meals-on-wheels program, by developing a sliding scale model. This way, clients who can afford to pay a bit more for each meal will help to reduce the cost for those who need additional support. As the Roulant community already subsidizes 50% of the meal cost, we are turning to our clients with the intent to offer them the opportunity to support their peers. In an anonymous fashion, clients will be asked to self identify their financial situation, and offered three prices on a sliding scale; $4.50, $5.50 & $7.00.
When you live alone, you tend to eat the same thing two or three days in a row. In this way with Santropol Roulant, I can get fresh food and a nice variety too.Marguerite Hopkins, 88 years old
Our lower price point was chosen in accordance with the purchasing power of seniors living on the minimum governmental subsidies (old age security pension and guaranteed income supplement). The regular price is based on 50% of the cost of the meal to us, and is in accordance with a medium income for seniors (approximately $1600 disposable income per month). The highest cost gives allows clients to support clients, if their income and inclination allows them to do so.
As always when we make a change to our service, we have contacted our entire client base, and were thrilled by the positive response we received to this innovative project.
Solidarity and social inclusion
Through this process, we continue to strengthen and solidify our vision of social and economic inclusion for all of Santropol Roulant’s members. We want our clients, as pillars of our community, to be in solidarity with one another and support each other to the extent they are capable. In discussing the sliding scale with our clients, we enjoyed many rich conversations which allowed us to grow in our mutual understanding of diverse financial realities, and to better care for our community.
After my fall in the street, my right arm was in a cast. I couldn’t cook for myself. With what the meals-on-wheels gives me and what I buy, I lack of nothing. All I do is heat water for coffee. Marthe Coron, 91 years old
We are proud of this new initiative and believe that it will increase access to our service for those in need. A huge thank you to our clients for trusting us, and to our volunteers who supported us along the way. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Katrina Heyde by phone at 514-284-9335 or by email at katrina@santropolroulant.org.