Hello volunteers!
Our community picnic event will take place July 21st and we need your help to ensure the success of this day! So come by lend a hand, then stay for the party and enjoy the activities.
Volunteer tasks before July 21st
- Decorations (boards, banners and other fun stuff to make the street look great)
- Handing out flyers
- Food prep and service help (before/during the event)
July 21st (the day of the event)
- Open-mic performances starts at 3pm and any artists who would like to perform are welcome to contact us.
We will also need volunteers for :
- Set-up (tents, tables and decoration).
- Gate Keepers (to stay at the gates at either end of the street) Volunteer rotation every 1h15.
- Drivers, passengers and client buddies! (to accompany and hang out with our meals-on-wheels clients who will be attending the event
- BBQ tender and food service
- First Aid services
Things we need!
We are looking for some colourful or floral fabric. If you or someone you know has any to donate let us know.
A huge thank you to our volunteer Loic Leroux to gives us his BBQ!
Please contact Malika to join the volunteer team at her e-mail malika@santropolroulant.org or by phone 514-284-9335 for more information.
Check out the Rue Fermier invitation for more details about the event or join us on Facebook!
Illustration by: Philip Lachapelle
Comments 1
If you still need fabric, suggest you try manufacturers, or company such as Fabricville. A few years ago I was delighted to be given huge rolls of fabric for a ‘good cause’ event. Not new, but immaculately laundered, sheets also appeared. A tax receipt might be appreciated, but that was not my experience. Collection, of course, is necessary.
You might also be lucky by asking wholesalers/retailers, kitchen suppliers, restaurants, etc. for some items on your wish list. Companies are often upgrading or have old stock.
Good luck.