In this short video, our friends over at Épluche ta ville explain how at Santropol Roulant, some of our lovely veggies grow on our rooftop, are prepared in our kitchen, and then travel by bike thanks to the help of our volunteers! The video is in French, but well worth the watch even if French isn’t your forté!
Vancouver’s Velo Vision: Safe Biking for All Ages
We found this video on the website of and thought it worthwhile to share a simple methodology for testing if a city’s cycling infrastructure is well designed. “When you are going to evaluate the design of any cycling infrastructure, you don’t have to be a transportation engineer. Think of a child, a child that you really love. Once you have that boy …
Ambassa-who? Kinetic Katherine
Katherine is an interior designer, Roulant volunteer and sports enthusiast. Read how she truly went the distance for Santropol Roulant! Name: Katherine Kuczewski What is your connection to the Roulant? I stumbled upon the Roulant while researching a school project. I love the spirit of the Roulant and its approach to urban agriculture so I decided to start volunteering. Tell us about …
Our New Client Newsletter! Summer Edition.
Words-On-Wheels is back with a great, new design! Check out all the news, stories, and updates from the Santropol Staff, Clients and Volunteers! Words-On-Wheels is a quarterly newsletter sent out to our clients with their meal. Many of our clients may not use the internet and our newsletter allows us to keep in touch, informing them on events, news and …
The Farmer’s Commute: SR launches Senneville Farm Site
Today, Santropol Roulant launched its new peri-urban farm site and associated project Entre grange et gratte-ciel: An Urban-Rural Farm Exchange. Read our press release or watch our video:
A gentleman of a certain age
After several days of Meals-on-Wheels service, we received a call from this new client who was not sure that the service would suit him. This gentleman of a certain age lived alone at home, with limited mobility. He was no longer able to go about his daily activities or meet his own basic needs without seeking the assistance of his …