Check out the following videos to learn the ins and out of being in a kitchen, why where your food comes from matters, and how to make healthy and delicious food choices. Health and Nutrition: What impact does your diet have on your health? A simple thing like eating, isn’t always so simple. Food choices can be influenced by culture, …
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Épluche ta ville presents Santropol Roulant
In this short video, our friends over at Épluche ta ville explain how at Santropol Roulant, some of our lovely veggies grow on our rooftop, are prepared in our kitchen, and then travel by bike thanks to the help of our volunteers! The video is in French, but well worth the watch even if French isn’t your forté!
Job Posting: MoW Intern
The application period for this position closed on October 8th. Thank you to all of those that applied! You want to be an integral part of helping us deliver on our Mission to break social and economic isolation ? If so, then apply to be our Meals-On-Wheels Intern position ! It’s a 6 month contract. The deadline to apply is …