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Fundraising Administrator

Fundraising, Job Postings

Part-time maternity leave replacement Check out the great opportunity to join the happy and hard-working team at the Roulant in an attractive position that will allow the candidate to learn a ton about fundraising in a community organization! This is a temporary position as a replacement of a 6 months maternity leave, part-time, 8 hours a week. The deadline to …

Urban Agriculture Co-Manager

Job Postings

Interested in shaping the future of Santropol Roulant? We are hiring someone to co-guide the continued development of our Urban Agriculture work. This is a unique opportunity. The deadline to apply is February 24th early AM. Please, check out the file below for more information and forward the job posting widely. Thanks!


Santropol Roulant’s Beekeeping Collective is seeking new members!

Volunteering - Personal

Calling all beekeeping enthusiasts: Santropol Roulant’s Beekeeping Collective is seeking new members! We are looking for a broad range of volunteers in order to create a good mix of people to keep our hives healthy and happy. We are a group of beekeepers who work to support the permanence and sustainability of the beekeeping community in Montreal. To this end, we support …


Chinese Dumpling Workshop

Kitchen Workshops

Join us on February 18th from 6-8.30pm for a wonton-making workshop! Your instructor – Winnie – will guide you through making dumplings and a wonton soup from scratch. Winnie brings a unique perspective to the kitchen: she was a high-school chemistry teacher before shifting her focus to cooking. So review your periodic table and bring a good appetite! For more …

That’s Right, Trivia Night!

Events, Fundraising

After a hit series of Trivia Nights in 2013, we’re bringing back this evening of frivolously-fun-facts in 2014. Quiz masters Mark and Naomi will be challenging you with questions of all kinds, so get your team together, grab your trusty thinking cap, and put all that trivial knowledge to good use! What: The Roulant is hosting our 1st Trivia Night …

Film Screening & Discussion: Tonight!

Amplifying Voices, Events, Video

We’re excited to announce our upcoming film screening featuring two short films that explore some of the realities of being a senior. Amplifying Voices (bilingual) is a series of mini videos made by volunteers and features Roulant meals-on-wheels clients. After the film, we’ll discuss the videos and have a Q&A with the participants. The second film, Un jour ou l’autre (with English subtitles) focuses on a Quebecois …

Holiday Recap & Photos!

Events, Food, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors, Volunteering - Personal

The holidays are an especially joyful, festive and bustling time of year at Santropol Roulant! The Annual Intergenerational Holiday Brunch was once again a great success. We welcomed more than 100 members (clients, volunteers, staff, donors and board members) into our office for good food, good cheer and good music (courtesy of McGill’s oldest acapella group, Tonal Ecstasy). Thanks also to …

Communication Officer

Communications, Job Postings, Press & Media

Part-time maternity leave replacement Get the opportunity to inspire and be inspired by amplifying the voice of Santropol Roulant! We are looking for someone who “gets” our work, ou culture and ou dreams. Someone who loves the work that we do, believes in it, and is excited to creatively tell the story of 2014 at Santropol Roulant. If you are …

Project for Awesome!

Communications, Meals-on-Wheels, Press & Media, Video

For this year’s Project for Awesome, Felix talks with Meghan Gilmore, director of development at Santropol Roulant, about what the non-profit and what it does.  For more information about Project for Awesome and to vote for the video about Santropol Roulant click here!  

2014 Wish List


As we came together this holiday season to write our wish list, we thought about all of the wonderful things our members have brought to us in the past. Beyond the material things we need to keep this place running, you have been very creative in the ways you have chosen to support the Roulant, so this year we we …

Looking back at the 2013 urban agriculture season


Summer is long gone and Santropol Roulant’s urban agriculture and farm team is now ‘hibernating’ for the winter months, which means we are reflecting on the season that just ended while also planning (and dreaming!) about the next to come. Cozy in our wool sweaters with a warm cup of tea in our hands, let’s look back at the amazing …