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A look back at the holidays

News, Stories

As lights are being taken down and trees carried to curbs, we’re turning our focus toward the exciting year ahead.  But before we step fully into 2013, we’d like to take a minute to revisit the wonderful holiday season that we just enjoyed at the Roulant. The festivities began with record-breaking attendance at our annual client holiday brunch in mid-December. …


Cheesemaking Workshop


Update: This workshop is sold out!  What an amazing turn out! Thanks for your interest and feedback. Please keep your eyes peeled for other cooking workshops coming up in 2013. Join us for an evening of cheesecraft at Santropol Roulant! We’ll be making fromage frais, paneer, fresh curds, and blue  cheese.  Learn about the theory and history of cheese, the politics of …

Whiskies of the World Tasting is back!


We’re happy to announce our first tasting of 2013! Together with our whisky-astute friends at Ouidram, we’ll take a journey through the international world of whisky. Informative, delicious and fun, through this event we’ll learn all about the art of whisky production, the effect of local landscapes on the taste and, finally, understand the difference between “whisky”, “whiskey”, “Scotch”, single …


Invitation: Moksha Yoga Karma Classes

Events, Fundraising

Original photo by: lululemon athletica

Did you enjoy so many homemade cookies(om nom nom!), turkeys, and parties this past month that now you’re feeling a bit sluggish… but you still have that sharing and caring spirit in your heart? Start the New Year off right with a generous offer from our friends at Moksha Yoga. Their hot yoga practice not only works your muscles, it …

Keep the fire alive – Donate to the Roulant


Photographie par Sophie Lochet

As you most likely know, we use food as a vehicle to break social and economic isolation between generations and cultures. It is creatively and collaboratively that we work to strengthen and nourish our local community with novel approaches to active youth engagement, urban food systems, food security, and community care. This year, in addition to preparing and delivering close …

Get involved with a Video Project: Amplifying Voices

Communications, Seniors, Statistics, Stories, Video, Volunteering - Personal

Intro Starting in early 2013, we’ll be carrying out a video project called Amplifying Voices with the support of the Federal Government’s New Horizons for Seniors Program. Over the course of the winter and early spring, we’ll be conducting interviews with seniors, editing the footage, and posting 8 short videos that explore the realities of seniors. Through these videos and …


Introducing the Foodie Collective Cookbook


Meet the Foodie Collective – a group of friends bound together by their love for cooking, eating, and drinking – as well as a hint of healthy competition. They hold regular “Throwdowns” which test their culinary skills, imaginations and stomachs! The Foodie Collective is all about food and good fun so they’re natural allies of Santropol Roulant. Enter their latest creative project: The Foodie Collective Cookbook! This …

Director of Development – Job Posting

Job Postings

The application period for this position closed on January 2nd. Thank you to all of those that applied! We’re looking for a new Director of Development to oversee our fundraising program. Our new colleague will be responsible for ensuring that we meet our current financial goals and for creating a strategic plan that aligns our fundraising programs and activities in …

Extra! Extra! Client-Member Newsletter!


The newest issue of Words-on-Wheels, our client-member newsletter, is hot off the press! In this latest edition of W-o-W, we feature cover model Mme Girard, showcase former client Mr. Khalo, and share all the latest news and events from Santropol Roulant. In addition to meal delivery, community events, phone chats, surveys and more, W-o-W is one of the many ways we try and …

When Does ‘Old Age’ Start?

Seniors, Statistics, Stories

Old man sitting on a bench in Melbourne

I found this interesting article by Chad Brooks on Yahoo! News in which he looks at a new study from Oregon State University’s Michelle Barnhart. The study of 80-something year olds suggests that, much more than age itself, our perceptions of an individual’s level of autonomy are what matters the most in defining the start of old age. Her conclusion, clear and concise, …