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AGM Highlights


In case you  weren’t among the 90+ people who came to our Annual General Meeting last week, below is a sampling of what you missed! Board and Staff shared successes from 2013 as well as our hopes and dreams for 2014 and beyond, as members mingled and mixed while enjoying delicious treats from our kitchen as well as from our partners D-liche cupcakes and Juliette et Chocolat. Official membership business included reviewing programs, finances and approving new bylaws, and also …

Calling all Candidates


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) this year will take place on Thursday March 27th, 2014. During the AGM members of Santropol Roulant (anyone who has been a client, volunteer, staff member or donor within the past year) will elect members to the Roulant Board of Directors, the governing body responsible for our overall-policy making. Any Santropol Roulant member can run …