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Job Offer: Kitchen Co-Manager – Meals-on-Wheels specialization

Food, Job Postings, Kitchen, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors

If you are passionate about the food security needs of the elderly, love working with volunteers in the kitchen, and are excited about keeping the kitchen spic’n’span, you might just be the person we are looking for. The full-time position will focus on the daily operations and development of the Meals-on-Wheels kitchen program. The deadline to apply is Monday, November …

Katimavik Eco-Stage – Meals-on-Wheels

Food, Job Postings, Kitchen, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors

For three months this fall, become an integral part of our Meals-on-Wheels team and help us deliver our mission of breaking social isolation and improving food security and community engagement in Montreal. Certain conditions apply: applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents between the ages of 18 and 35. This internship is 30 hours per week. The selected candidate will …



Communications, Meals-on-Wheels, Publications, Seniors

Extra! Extra! The new issue of Words-on-Wheels, our client-member newsletter, is hot off the press! In this latest edition, we feature cover model Mrs Grunberg, showcase poetry by client-member Dana Friend and say farewell to Mollie and Mayahuel. In addition to meal delivery, community events, phone chats, surveys and more, W-o-W is one of the many ways we try and …

Client Relations Coordinator

Job Postings, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors

We’re hiring for the position that sets the tone for how we want to engage with people with a loss of autonomy. It will give you the opportunity to break social isolation each and every day. Deadline to apply: March 10th! More details:

Meals-on-Wheels Intern

Food, Job Postings, Kitchen, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors

You want to be an integral part of helping us deliver on our mission to break social isolation and improve food security and community engagement in Montreal? If so, then apply to be our Meals-On-Wheels Intern position ! It’s a 6 month contract. The deadline to apply is March 19th at 9:00am, and candidates must be eligible for an Emploi-Québec …

Holiday Recap & Photos!

Events, Food, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors, Volunteering - Personal

The holidays are an especially joyful, festive and bustling time of year at Santropol Roulant! The Annual Intergenerational Holiday Brunch was once again a great success. We welcomed more than 100 members (clients, volunteers, staff, donors and board members) into our office for good food, good cheer and good music (courtesy of McGill’s oldest acapella group, Tonal Ecstasy). Thanks also to …

Flash Meals-on-Wheels Internship

Food, Job Postings, Kitchen, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors

You want to be an integral part of helping us deliver on our mission to break social isolation and improve food security and community engagement in Montreal? If so, then apply to be our Meals-on-Wheels Intern position! It’s a 10 weeks contract, starting mi-January. The deadline to apply is January 3rd. This is a subsidized position. To be eligible to …

New and Familiar Faces

Meals-on-Wheels, Publications, Seniors, Stories, Volunteering - Personal

Extra! Extra! The new issue of Words-on-Wheels, our client-member newsletter, is hot off the press! In this latest edition, titled “New and Familiar Faces,” we feature cover model Mrs Shanker, introduce new team members and interview one of our longest-running volunteers, the one and only, Matt B. In addition to meal delivery, community events, phone chats, surveys and more, W-o-W is …

Amplifying Voices Video #5: Meals-on-Wheels

Amplifying Voices, Communications, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors, Stories, Video, Volunteering - Personal

Amplifying Voices is a video project that explores the lives and realities of six seniors who receive meals-on-wheels from Santropol Roulant. Santropol Roulant: This mini video showcases how Jan, Anne, Alda, Augustine and Rosanne use Santropol Roulant’s meals-on-wheels service. Who participated? Santropol Roulant’s meals-on-wheels clients and volunteers collaborated to create these videos. While the clients provided the content by sharing their …

Amplifying Voices Video #2: Day-to-Day and Pastimes

Amplifying Voices, Communications, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors, Stories, Video, Volunteering - Personal

 Amplifying Voices is a video project that explores the lives and realities of six seniors who receive meals-on-wheels from Santropol Roulant. Day-to-day and Pastimes: This video focuses mostly at time spent alone. What does a typical day look like, what brings pleasure and pride, and what is more difficult?   Who participated? Santropol Roulant’s meals-on-wheels clients and volunteers collaborated to create these …

Amplifying Voices Video #1: Meet the Stars

Amplifying Voices, Communications, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors, Statistics, Stories, Video, Volunteering - Personal

Amplifying Voices is a video project that explores the lives and realities of six seniors who receive meals-on-wheels from Santropol Roulant. Meet the characters: Our six stars share a bit about who they are, where they come from and what they’re about. Kateri Décary, Meals-on-Wheels Director at Santropol Roulant, tells us a bit about the meals-on-wheels clients.   Who participated? Santropol Roulant’s meals-on-wheels …

Apple Picking Recap

Events, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors

On October 17th, a group of 60 Santropol Roulant community members (clients, volunteers, staff, donors and board members!) ages 8 months to 90+ years, went apple picking in Mont St-Grégoire. We dined on buckwheat crepes, toured the orchard by tractor, marvelled at the colourful leaves and picked a variety of apples.   To top things off, Pierre-Vincent and Mira-Clair treated us …