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A look back on our Tequila Tasting

Events, Fundraising, Recipes

Held on our beautiful rooftop terrace last Thursday, our first ever Tequila Tasting fundraiser turned out to be a fun-filled gathering of friends and tequila aficionados. Olga from TequilArt Montreal spoke about the history of the drink, and the art of Tequila production. She showed us a live blue agave plant from which tequila is harvest, spoke about yield rates, …

Santropol Roulant’s Happening 2012

Agriculture, Community Workshops, Events, Kitchen Workshops, SantroVelo

Photo of Santropol Roulant's Happening in 2011. [Photo credit: Stéphane Cocke]

Santropol Roulant’s 2nd Annual Happening is just around the corner! Join us on the evening of June 21st as we celebrate Santropol Roulant’s 17th birthday during our yearly summer “Happening”, an evening of workshops, music, art and dancing!! We’ll also be launching an exciting new project called Entre Grange et Gratte-Ciel: An Urban-Rural Farm Exchange. Through the magic of video, …

A gentleman of a certain age

Meals-on-Wheels, Stories

After several days of Meals-on-Wheels service, we received a call from this new client who was not sure that the service would suit him. This gentleman of a certain age lived alone at home, with limited mobility. He was no longer able to go about his daily activities or meet his own basic needs without seeking the assistance of his …


Hello World!

Events, News, Volunteering - Personal

Welcome to the Roulant’s new website! Woohoo! It’s been a long time coming, but after over a year of slow-but-steady efforts, we’ve finally launched our new website! In true Roulant fashion, you’ll notice that we’ve chosen to launch in “beta mode”. “Now why would you do such a thing?” you might ask. Why would we launch something that isn’t fully ready? …