Come help set up our garden! Winter may still linger in the air but we’re well past the spring equinox and the first shoots of green are showing up in the greenhouses, which means it’s time to set up our gardens! When: Friday April 24th from 10:00am to 4:00pm (postponed to Saturday April 25th in case of bad weather) We …
A Very Special Visit
Santropol Roulant was honored to host a very special social inclusion event, featuring visit with Princess Anne of the Royal British Family. This incredible opportunity for our volunteers and clients, who had the chance to speak with the Her Royal Highness, was made possible by our friends at Centraide of Greater Montreal. Here are a few of the official photos from this memorable event. hu
Send Us Your Plastic Bags!
Do you unwittingly, and unwantingly, collect plastic bags until they overflow under your sink or in your cupboards? Fret not; they can have a second and even a third life. During meal deliveries, we sometimes have to leave our fresh and delicious meals at our client’s doors, hanging in plastic bags. You see where this is going, eh? Please bring your extra plastic bags to the …
The Return of Trivia Night!
Is your trivial knowledge not proving to be the ideal conversation-starter you had hoped it to be? Come share your frivolous fun facts and put them to good use! What: The Roulant is hosting a Trivia Night Fun(d)raiser! When: Tuesday March 31st from 7:30 to 9:30pm (doors open at 7pm) Where: Santropol Roulant (111 Roy east, corner Coloniale) Cost: $10/person, teams …
All About the 2015 AGM!
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) this year will take place on Thursday March 26th, 2015, starting at 5:30pm, and you are all invited! Don’t miss the most important governance event of the year! Here are the important documents to consult before the AGM Your official invitation The evening’s agenda Last year’s minutes The candidates’ presentation booklet The AGM is much …
Invitation – Volunteer Summit
Calling all former and current volunteers! The Roulant wishes to put your ideas and your opinion to good use. Join us for an evening of exchange and brainstorming around different themes relating to the day-to-day activities of the Roulant, including recent changes to the volunteer and meals-on-wheels programs. We would also like to harvest stories and anecdotes about your experiences at …
Job Offer: Peri-Urban Farm Internships
Get your hands in the dirt and get a taste of life on a peri-urban farm by spending the summer with us in Senneville! We are offering 3 opportunities for 2-day/week paid internships to young people (16 to 30 years old) who are looking for their first experience working on a farm. We are looking specifically for candidates who belong to communities under-represented …
Job Offer: Urban Agriculture Summer Internships
An incredible opportunity to transform your city with urban agriculture! Santropol Roulant is hiring 3 students this summer to care for our rooftop and campus gardens, and help contribute to an intergenerational community of knowledgeable gardeners! Please note that, to apply, you must be a full time student and intend to return to full time studies in the fall, between the …
Job Offer: Market Coordination and Farm Internship
Do you want to grow delicious, organic vegetables and then share the bounty with our community at two neighbourhood markets in the heart of Montreal? This new position offers a full time, paid internship opportunity to a young person (16 to 30 years old) who is looking for their first chance to work on a farm and is excited about …
Job Offer: Peri-Urban Farm Work-Shares
Would you like to spend some time this summer working with your hands, growing food for the Meals-on-Wheel program, neighbourhood farmer’s market and solidarity organic basket program? Spend one day a week at the farm and bring home a basket of organic veggies every week! New this year: we are offering 4 work-shares, each one with a specialisation in one of …
Our 2014 Annual Report
We’re really proud of our new annual report. What are you waiting for? Read on! It’s full of pretty information and reflections about our work in 2014. Don’t forget to share the report with your friends and family so that they can get to know us a little bit more!
Frozen Meals: Chicken Couscous on Special
Have you always wanted to try our healthy and organic* meals? Want to support a local initiative? You’re in luck! The kitchen team makes take-home portions of our meals-on-wheels dishes, frozen for your convenience! Prepared with the same love we give to our daily client meals, they are available to anyone who wishes to buy them! Super Special: Chicken Couscous is only $4 for …