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Flash Meals-on-Wheels Internship

Food, Job Postings, Kitchen, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors

You want to be an integral part of helping us deliver on our mission to break social isolation and improve food security and community engagement in Montreal? If so, then apply to be our Meals-on-Wheels Intern position! It’s a 10 weeks contract, starting mi-January. The deadline to apply is January 3rd. This is a subsidized position. To be eligible to …

2014 Calendar

Communications, Fundraising

Newly arrived at the Roulant holiday boutique: 2014 calendars! The Santropol Roulant calendar features all our meals planned out one year in advance and interesting tidbits about The Roulant. All Santropol Roulant clients receive a calendar so they can better plan their meals. Bonus this year: a sneak peek at the soon-to-be unveiled new and improved Roulant logo! You too …

Support Santropol Roulant This Holiday Season!

Fundraising, Meals-on-Wheels

People Food Community! Santropol Roulant has a vision of a well-nourished city where everyone has access to good food, meaningful relationships and a sense of belonging and community. This past year the scope of our work increased thanks to the energy, ideas and commitment brought by our growing community of inspired and engaged individuals. As our good friend, volunteer and donor, …

The Foodie Collective presents: gnocchi workshop

Food, Kitchen Workshops

The Foodie Collective is proud to present our pasta workshop #2. This time around, the team will be going step by step on how to make gnocchi. Those soft, pillowy, fluffy and comforting little balls of heaven are easy to make and will always wow your guests. In this workshop, we will be making the gnocchi alongside a delicious sauce. …

New and Familiar Faces

Meals-on-Wheels, Publications, Seniors, Stories, Volunteering - Personal

Extra! Extra! The new issue of Words-on-Wheels, our client-member newsletter, is hot off the press! In this latest edition, titled “New and Familiar Faces,” we feature cover model Mrs Shanker, introduce new team members and interview one of our longest-running volunteers, the one and only, Matt B. In addition to meal delivery, community events, phone chats, surveys and more, W-o-W is …


Reggae Jamdown


Join us for a second annual Reggae Jamdown Fundraiser at Blizzarts, featuring DJs Signal Smoke and Major Trees spinning exclusively Roots Reggae. When : Saturday November 30th doors open at 8pm Where: Blizzarts, 3956 Boulevard Saint-Laurent Cost: $8 Don’t miss this chance to dance, party, and support Santropol Roulant. Bring all your friends it’s going to be fuuun! Many thanks …


2013 Intergenerational Holiday Brunch


Twas the 12th December, and all in a bunch, Gathered clients and volunteers, for the Roulant Holiday Brunch! Join us for the Intergenerational Holiday Brunch, an afternoon of delicious food, live music and good company! When: Thursday, Dec 12th from 11:00am-2:30pm Where: Santropol Roulant (111 Roy E.) How: Sign up for a volunteer shift in order to attend this year’s …


Whisky Tasting: A taste of Speyside

Events, Food, Fundraising

Our final tasting event of 2013 is coming up on November 7th, featuring once again our talented friends from Ouidram. Find out why the Speyside Region of the Scottish Highlands has the highest concentration of whisky distilleries and how surprisingly diverse the region is. We will taste four single malts accompanied by delicious appetizers prepared in the Santropol Roulant kitchen. When: November 7th, 6:30pm Where: Santropol …

One Night Stand with Monkland Tavern

Events, Food, Fundraising

Join us on December 8th when we get up close and personal with the Monkland Tavern. Come out to eat a wonderful meal in the company of friends of the Roulant. You get a great night on the town, happy tastebuds, and the heart-warming satisfaction of knowing that the Monkland Tavern has pledged to donate a percentage of proceeds from …


A Freaky Farm Story

Agriculture, Senneville Farm, Stories

Out at the farm, the scenery is grey and the days are getting shorter. The fields and roads are muddy. The wind whistles and howls. Armies of mice ravage the fields, feeding on our forgotten crops and fattening up for the cold winter months ahead. The mood is dark and sombre. The end is near and a certain smell of …

Amplifying Voices Video #5: Meals-on-Wheels

Amplifying Voices, Communications, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors, Stories, Video, Volunteering - Personal

Amplifying Voices is a video project that explores the lives and realities of six seniors who receive meals-on-wheels from Santropol Roulant. Santropol Roulant: This mini video showcases how Jan, Anne, Alda, Augustine and Rosanne use Santropol Roulant’s meals-on-wheels service. Who participated? Santropol Roulant’s meals-on-wheels clients and volunteers collaborated to create these videos. While the clients provided the content by sharing their …