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The revamp of our Seed Library

Agriculture, Featured, News, Urban Agriculture

For those who have been spending time in the lounge at 111 Roy Street East, you may have noticed the seed library, and perhaps even noticed the most recent facelift. Yolie (one of our already-missed 2023 gardens facilitators) made it their end-of-season goal to revamp the seed library in order to make it easier to interact with in order to …

Under Construction: The Roulant Market Takes a Break

Basket, Market, News

The market has been a regular part of the summer for years in front of the Roulant building and last year just up the street. Community members came together to pick up their organic CSA baskets from the Roulant farm, along with local products and produce from numerous community vendors. With construction this year in front of the building to …

Consent at the Roulant


At the Roulant, we want to create a space where everyone can be comfortable taking part in our community and a great way to do that is by upholding the value of consent. But what do we mean by consent? Find out! Consent can be understood as checking in with someone about their willingness to engage. While consent is often …

Cycle of Life: Augustine and Bernie


Life and death are part of our daily work. The Roulant is a community where strong bonds are forged very quickly, where we connect with unique, authentic, sometimes extravagant people of all ages. When people in the community pass away, we celebrate their lives and their contributions to the Roulant as a whole. Not every organization is fortunate enough to …

Sharing the Spotlight for Food Security

News, Partners

Santropol Roulant is part of an ecosystem of organizations working collectively to create greater access to affordable, nutritious food for diverse communities, striving for food justice and social change in Montreal. When the pandemic hit, the demand for food security services skyrocketed for those in particularly vulnerable situations, including isolation, health concerns, or economic precarity… and the community sector responded. …

Introduction to Microaggressions


image titre safer space espaces plus sûrs

Have you ever felt undermined, insulted or generally belittled from a conversation in a very subtle way? Or perhaps someone has made you feel as though your words hurt them, even though your intentions were good? If so, you’re probably dealing with microaggressions, which are “the kinds of remarks, questions, or actions that are painful because they have to do …

Changing Crew

News, Staff

L'équipe du Roulant à la ferme

The Roulant is a large ship that moves forward thanks to its talented crew. In good weather as in storms, the ship makes its way and allows its team to develop skills and live experiences while participating in the life of the community. At the height of summer, 41 people were simultaneously employed by the Roulant. Occasionally, once in port, …


Community (Day)Tour

News, Seniors, Volunteering - Personal

On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, the Roulant takes the community (Day)Tour. A nod to a city’s roadworks and to the contribution of the community sector in response to the pandemic, the Community (Day)Tour will be an opportunity for the Roulant and its community to come together virtually! This fall-flavoured event will allow the community to …

How to Help the Roulant

COVID19, Meals-on-Wheels, News

With the new containment rules, seniors in Montreal need Santropol Roulant’s services even more. Here’s how you can help your community. Volunteering You can sign up for a shift in our Meals-on-Wheels program HERE! You can also sign up for a shift in the Urban Agriculture program HERE! We ask you to call the Roulant only if you are already …


Prevention Measures – COVID-19

COVID19, News

Here are the measures implemented by the Roulant, to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and to protect the community of Santropol Roulant. Additional measures may be added without notice. Access to the Building If you have traveled or been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days, have a fever, …

The Adventures of Laure-Adélie at Santropol Roulant

News, Volunteering - Personal

Laure-Adélie volunteers at the Roulant since December 2019. She’s involved in the kitchen and for meal deliveries and wanted to share an experience she lived while doing a delivery with Chris Kennedy, long-time member of the Roulant community. If you would like to share a volunteering experience with the community, send a quick email to Jean-François! Ed. The best activity …

Meet your new Committee on Harassment & Safer Spaces at the Roulant

Governance, News

Did you know that the Roulant has a policy on harassment?  Well, it does! It has been around since 2002, helping to make our space safe and secure for our wonderful community of members. This summer, we’ve formed a new Committee to revisit the policy and make some major changes to better reflect our community and recent changes in the …