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The first One Night Stand

Events, Food, Fundraising

Starting this December, we’ll be “getting up close and personal” with some warm and cuddly Montreal eateries in a series of One Night Stands. What are we talking about? Well, as you know, we’re all about people and food… and what better way to raise funds for our programs than by bringing together people and food! We’re kicking things off on …

Small Scale Gardening Workshop

Community Workshops

Small Scale Gardening Workshop (Now offered in English! Don’t miss your chance!) with Jean-Martin Fortier, family farmer at les Jardins de la Grelinette Come to meet Quebec’s pionneer in small scale bio-intensive farming! During this 2-hour long training, the urban gardener will learn all the tricks and tips of a professional farmer while those who are willing to start their own small scale commercial farming operation …


Our Initial Thoughts on the Montreal Urban Ag Consultation Report

Agriculture, News, Press Releases

Montreal – The Montreal Office of Public Consultation (OCPM) released this week its report on the State of Urban Agriculture in Montreal. This report is the culmination of a massive mobilization effort through which more than 29 000 montrealers signed a petition calling on the City to hold a public consultation on the said subject. Santropol Roulant applauds this great …

100 Mile Meal

Agriculture, Events, Food

Photo by: Chris Henschel

Fans of local organic food – We are excited to hold our 5th annual 100 Mile meal on Sunday October 21th.   The evening will consist of a 3 course meal – including local wine –  with ingredients sourced from within a 100 mile radius, followed by a panel discussion lead by local farmers.  –  More details about this year’s …

Vancouver’s Velo Vision: Safe Biking for All Ages

Biking, Seniors, Stories, Youth

Screen capture from film entitled, "Vancouver's Velo Vision: Safe Biking for All Ages"

We found this video on the website of and thought it worthwhile to share a simple methodology for testing if a city’s cycling infrastructure is well designed. “When you are going to evaluate the design of any cycling infrastructure, you don’t have to be a transportation engineer. Think of a child, a child that you really love. Once you have that boy …

Ambassa-who? Kinetic Katherine

Fundraising, Stories

Katherine is an interior designer, Roulant volunteer and sports enthusiast. Read how she truly went the distance for Santropol Roulant! Name: Katherine Kuczewski What is your connection to the Roulant? I stumbled upon the Roulant while researching a school project.  I love the spirit of the Roulant and its approach to urban agriculture so I decided to start volunteering. Tell us about …

Letter from Hélène Laverdière, MP

Publications, Seniors, Statistics

Yesterday, we were happy to celebrate the International Day of Older Persons. In the evening, we had the pleasure of receiving a letter from Hélène Laverdière, MP and NDP representative of Laurier-Sainte-Marie. The publication of her letter below is meant to be non-partisan. If we share it with you today, it is to celebrate a choice of words that we …

Gardening workshop with Jean-Martin Fortier from Les Jardins de la Grelinette

Agriculture, Communications, Community Workshops, Events, Food

Gardening enthusiast, debutante, or somewhere in the middle, have we got something for you! Jean-Martin Fortier, family farmer at Les Jardins de la Grelinette (, renown organic agriculture expert, author of a the book – Le jardinier-maraîcher: Manuel d’agriculture biologique sur petite surface ( will be leading a workshop at the Roulant in small-scale organic gardening. We are silly excited …


Hands-on Kitchen workshops

Community Workshops, Food, Kitchen Workshops

Photograph by Johnson Fung -

We are incredibly pleased to announce a new series of kitchen workshops. Long-time volunteer and amazing chef, Danny Guarino, is as excited as we are to teach cooking techniques and delicious recipes focused around seasonal or local veggies – and offer them specifically to low-income individuals who may not have access to other cooking workshops or classes. When: Every second …


Job Posting: MoW Intern

Food, Job Postings, Kitchen, Meals-on-Wheels

The application period for this position closed on October 8th. Thank you to all of those that applied! You want to be an integral part of helping us deliver on our Mission to break social and economic isolation ? If so, then apply to be our Meals-On-Wheels Intern position ! It’s a 6 month contract. The deadline to apply is …