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A Garden Full of History

Agriculture, Events, Fundraising

Here’s a last minute invitation! If you wish, you can help us reach our fall fundraising goal by participating in a special visit to our new agricultural plot in the heart of the Cité des Hospitalières, this Saturday, October 9. From 10:30 am to 12:00 pm, follow Pier and Adrienne into the heart of this peaceful haven at the foot …

Volunteering at the Ferme du Roulant

Agriculture, Senneville Farm, Volunteering - Personal

Adeline, one of the Roulant volunteer, chose to write about her experience volunteering in the different programs at Santropol Roulant. This week, join her while she gets her hands dirty at the Ferme du Roulant. See what a morning of peri-urban farming looks like: The Ferme du Roulant is located about thirty minutes by car from Montreal. Jean-François, Santropol Roulant’s …

A Garden, A Pizza


For the second edition of the Jardin Pizza project, the Roulant welcomed fifteen kindergarten students from the École au Pied-de-la-Montagne. This project, initiated by Gianna from the neighbourhood butcher shop Volailles et Gibiers Fernando and conducted by the Urban Agriculture program, introduces the concept of the food cycle and notions of nutrition to the young students. With a visit to …

Help Grow Your Community

Agriculture, Job Postings

Urban Agriculture Coordination Our Culture Get ready to immerse yourself in a mindset of gratitude and care, and to embrace uncertainty, nuance and imperfection. We’re a small organization with tons of activity, creativity and big ideas, and we’re focused on connecting people, authentic relating and living our values as best we can.  The Roulant treats people as gifts and takes …

Seeds Are Flying Off The Shelves🌻

Agriculture, Panier bio

The craze for urban agriculture is picking up again. You have a small balcony, a garden plot or any acces to dirt. You already dream of eating sweet peas or fresh, juicy cucumbers. Now is the time to buy the seeds for your growing season! Here, Virginie started sourcing organic seeds for the Ferme du Roulant 2021 season in December, …

Get Your Hands Dirty!

Agriculture, Job Postings

Farm Hands Our Culture Get ready to immerse yourself in a mindset of gratitude and care, and to embrace uncertainty, nuance and imperfection. We’re a small organization with lots of activity, creativity and big ideas, and we’re focused on connecting people, authentic relating and living our values as best we can. The Roulant treats people as gifts and takes a …

From Farm to Plate, Despite It All


The 2020 season, the 9th season of the Ferme du Roulant, has seen its share of changes and adaptation. Starting with the team: Virginie became the manager of the farm for the first time on her own, accompanied by Erin and Véro, respectively field production coordinator and greenhouse production coordinator. Maya joined the team as a farm hand, but quickly …

Bringing hope: looking back on the Roulant’s urban agriculture season


Une fillette masquée regarde avec attention son rateau avec les mains couvertes de terre

It’s the penultimate volunteer shift of the urban agriculture season and four-year-old Lulu is being looked after by our star volunteer Stella. After a few email exchanges with me and a bit of apprehension, the two arrive hand-in-hand, wearing their face coverings, trowels in their bag, ready to lend a hand in the gardens. Under the autumn sun, Lulu is …

Change of Guard

Agriculture, Kitchen, Staff

à gauche, magali fait les semis en portant un chandail orange. à droite, aidan est accroupie et flatte un chat dans l'entrée du Roulant

As the Roulant evolves and continues to make high-quality food accessible to seniors, people with reduced autonomy or with varying levels of mobility, the organization’s key program wheel has been handed over to two new people. We invite you to meet Aidan the Kitchen Programs Manager and Magali the Urban Agriculture Program Manager. Jean-François Veilleux: First of all, congratulations on …

Your Community Needs You

Agriculture, COVID19, Meals-on-Wheels, Volunteering - Personal

Although the deconfinement is felt throughout the city, the vulnerable people still need you. Help the Roulant deliver nutritious meals to seniors, people with different levels of mobility or with a loss of autonomy, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Volunteer with the Meals-on-Wheels and feed your community! The Roulant gardens take advantage of the splendid weather to …

Contaminated Seedlings


Véro travaille dans la serre

Although the early season tests came back negative, everything now seems to indicate that the nightshade seedlings from the farm and our gardens downtown are infected with bacterial canker. To those who took Solanaceae seedlings at the Roulant in recent weeks (peppers, cherry tomatoes, eggplant…): please destroy the seedlings and discard them. Do not put them in a composter. If …