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1st Gardening Workshop of the season: Indoor Seedling!

Agriculture, Community Workshops, Events

Believe it or not, Santropol Roulant is already gearing up for the next gardening season! And what’s the secret ingredient for next season’s success? Good indoor seedlings of course! You are invited to an indoor seedling workshop. Come and learn how to start your own seedlings and you’ll even take a seedling or two (or more!) home! Please note that the same workshop …

Kitchen Workshop: Homemade Fermented Foods

Community Workshops, Food, Kitchen Workshops

Kitchen workshop: Fermenting Culture: From Miso Soup to Heineken. How to Increase Your Digestive Health and Boost Your Immunity Through Homemade Fermented Foods What and who? Myrite Rotstein, Holistic Food and Tasty Lifestyle Coach will be leading a workshop of fermentation fun where you will learn about the history and health benefits of fermentation. In this workshop, you will learn …



Communications, Meals-on-Wheels, Publications, Seniors

Extra! Extra! The new issue of Words-on-Wheels, our client-member newsletter, is hot off the press! In this latest edition, we feature cover model Mrs Grunberg, showcase poetry by client-member Dana Friend and say farewell to Mollie and Mayahuel. In addition to meal delivery, community events, phone chats, surveys and more, W-o-W is one of the many ways we try and …

The SR Fresh Basket is Back!

Agriculture, Food, Fundraising, Senneville Farm

Winter is on its last legs and the time has come to sign up for a Santropol Roulant Fresh Basket and receive fresh organic veggies all summer long. New for 2014: Your choice of two pre-determined convenient  pick-up times: Tuesdays or Thursdays from 4-7pm two distinct formats: Small (1-2 ppl or 7-9 items per basket) or Regular (3-4 ppl or …

Stipend-based Work-Trade Opportunities at the Farm

Agriculture, Job Postings, Senneville Farm, Youth

Under the supervision of an experienced farm management team, these 4 work-trade positions are an opportunity to acquire practical experience in all aspects of small-scale intensive farming, while participating in promoting local food production and increasing its accessibility in the Montreal community. These are unpaid volunteer positions; however, we are offering a $500 stipend to work-trades who complete a minimum of …

Paid Part-time Internship Opportunities at our Senneville Farm Site

Agriculture, Job Postings, Senneville Farm, Youth

Organic farming is an exciting and challenging field and as part of our goal to engage our community and strengthen the connection between food, producers, and consumers we are excited to offer the following internship positions (4) to individuals with no prior farming or urban agriculture experience AND to individuals identifying to groups traditionally under-represented in the agricultural sector. With this …

Meat loaf!

Frozen Meals

The featured Frozen Meal of the week: meat loaf made with organic beef! Yummy! Come by the Roulant to pick some up. For more information about our frozen meal service, click here or contact Amadea by phone or by email.

Client Relations Coordinator

Job Postings, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors

We’re hiring for the position that sets the tone for how we want to engage with people with a loss of autonomy. It will give you the opportunity to break social isolation each and every day. Deadline to apply: March 10th! More details:

Meals-on-Wheels Intern

Food, Job Postings, Kitchen, Meals-on-Wheels, Seniors

You want to be an integral part of helping us deliver on our mission to break social isolation and improve food security and community engagement in Montreal? If so, then apply to be our Meals-On-Wheels Intern position ! It’s a 6 month contract. The deadline to apply is March 19th at 9:00am, and candidates must be eligible for an Emploi-Québec …

A Look Back at Kitchen Workshops

Food, Kitchen, Kitchen Workshops

Last May we wrapped up a year-long series of 12 kitchen workshops focused on basic, healthy cooking skills. Danny Guarino, long-time volunteer at the Roulant and workshop teacher, brought his kitchen expertise and passion for fresh seasonal vegetables into the kitchen. Participants had the opportunity to benefit from Danny’s gentle, encouraging leadership style as well as his vast knowledge of …

Team building at Santropol Roulant

Fundraising, Meals-on-Wheels, Volunteering - Personal

This past year we were fortunate enough to have the support of more than a dozen teams, from companies all across Montreal who took a break from their busy work weeks to lend a hand delivering meals, chopping veggies in the kitchen and even getting their hands dirty in the garden.  To close out 2013, we had an amazing (and …

Calling all Candidates


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) this year will take place on Thursday March 27th, 2014. During the AGM members of Santropol Roulant (anyone who has been a client, volunteer, staff member or donor within the past year) will elect members to the Roulant Board of Directors, the governing body responsible for our overall-policy making. Any Santropol Roulant member can run …