Rue Fermier Together


Rue Fermier Togetherness 2021 Join us September 10th for an evening of togetherness! After more than a year without gatherings, the Roulant is ready to welcome you for a fun, scaled-down and socially distanced version of Rue Fermier and our annual fundraising gala. Join your wonderful intergenerational community of members—donors, volunteers, clients, staff and neighbours—to celebrate all that we have …

Roulant Experiences


Enjoy the Roulant like you’ve never experienced before! Created to help us reach our Golden Gala fundraising goal, Roulant Experiences are one-of-a-kind outings hosted by Roulant staff members to share their unique interests and expertise with you … all for a good cause. You won’t find these experiences anywhere else! Connect with the wilderness in our backyard by joining the …

Many thanks for Rue Fermier


There are not enough words to say how the Roulant’s team is happy with how Rue Fermier turned out. It is rare that the whole community of clients, volunteers, donors, partners and staff is gathered and it is one of the reason behind Rue Fermier. We hope you enjoyed the night and we can’t wait to see you at the …

Marie’s Monthly Giving Story


Monthly donors play an important role in keeping Santropol Roulant buzzing all year long. Marie, past staff member and current monthly donor speaks on what being a monthly donor means to her. Meet Marie Bilodeau (left), a beloved monthly donor and former staff member, whose regular contribution continues to make a difference in the life of the Roulant community. She started her …

Save the Date! Harvest Feast Fundraiser 2018


Will you feast for the future of food security, social inclusion and intergenerational community building in Montreal? If so, then mark your calendars for Santropol Roulant’s biggest fundraising event of the year on Thursday, October 4, 2018! Join us for the Harvest Feast Fundraiser to help us raise $25,000 for Santropol Roulant’s mission. Come share a spectacular locally-sourced meal in …

Changes to the Team

News, Staff

So much is happening at the Roulant these days! In this giant team update, join us in welcoming a new member to the team, learn about other changes in the staff, and send fond farewells to a few people who have moved on to new things. Learn more about these and other members of our team on our Staff page. Thank …

Recipes from the Roulant: Pumpkin Coffee Cake

Events, Recipes

We are happy to bring you our eleventh recipe in the series Recipes from the Roulant! These monthly recipes allow you to get to know the different activities of our organization. This recipe for pumpkin coffee cake is a great way to make use of the many pumpkins donated to us for last week’s Masked Pumpkin Gala. If you didn’t get a chance to …

Recipes from the Roulant: Carrot Ginger Soup

Events, Recipes

We are happy to bring you our tenth recipe in the series Recipes from the Roulant! These monthly recipes allow you to get to know the different activities of our organization. This week we bring you a recipe for one of the delicious bouchées that will be prepared for our Masked Pumpkin Gala fundraising event coming up on November 2nd. This savoury …

A warm welcome to Stacey and Camille!

Fundraising, News, Staff

Join us in welcoming two new members to the team in Social Entrepreneurship and Fundraising! We also want to thank Deanna for everything she’s accomplished at the Roulant and wish her all the best as she heads back to school. Thank you! Learn more about these and other members of our team on our Staff page.


New Faces and Changing Places in the Team

Catering, Communications, Partners, Staff

So much is happening at the Roulant these days! In this giant team update, join us in welcoming new members to the team, learn about other changes in the staff, and send fond farewells to a few people who have moved on to new things. Learn more about these and other members of our team on our Staff page. Thank you! …

Meet the Candidates for the 2017 AGM

Events, Governance

On March 30th, all members of the Roulant – volunteers, clients, donors and staff active within the last year – are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and cast your ballots. The assembly will elect new candidates to the Board of Directors of Santropol Roulant, for a 2-year mandate. Electing Board members is a significant event for the Roulant! …

Centraide Solidaires 2015

Fruits Défendus, News, Video, Volunteering - Personal, Youth

Last Thursday, a crew from the Roulant had the pleasure of attending Centraide’s Gala. The annual recognition event showcases the exceptional work of fundraising partners and the community organizations they support. We were honoured that one of our long-time volunteers, Tássia Camões, was recognized for her leadership and outstanding contributions to the Santropol Roulant community. The Solidaire NextGen is awarded …